Traditionally advent is the season of preparation for the coming of the Christ Child at Christmas. A time to reflect on what it means for God to become one of us, to take on all the stuff that makes us human, and a time to think about who God is and why he chose a tiny insignificant child from a tiny insignificant place to save the world.

Of course, in our modern world it is also a time for running around, worrying about the expense of Christmas and trying to come up with an original idea for a present for Great Uncle Ernie (socks again?!).
So, as the season of Advent begins on Advent Sunday 1st December we want to offer some space, before all the chaos and stress takes over, to take time out, to reflect on why we are getting ready and Who we are getting ready for.
This will be a quiet and contemplative service with readings and poetry based on the ancient names for The Messiah. We will sing, we will listen and we will light candles to remind us of the light that is coming into the darkness of our world.
We’d love it if you would join us.