Dear friends,
Apologies if this update is a little long.
Those of you who are connected to our social media accounts will have already heard the news that the Church of England has suspended public worship for the foreseeable future due to Coronavirus. Firstly, I would like to assure you of our support in the coming weeks and months. Being part of the community in North Halifax is of paramount importance to us.
Unfortunately midweek activities such as Youth Group, Lunch Club, Young at Heart, Lent Course and Scouts have all been cancelled. This is a disappointment to us all but necessary for the forseeable future.
Over this time we will be working to ensure that our community is still working together as we socialise from a distance (in most cases, via the internet) to ensure that people’s health and wellbeing is cared for. If there are those who are isolated or in need, please make contact and we will do whatever we are able to help people or get access to services that other people provide.
This link has many worship resources that are currently available and the Church of England has plans for others in the future so that people can worship in their own homes.
Worshiping in the Here and Now
We will continue to worship and communicate with one another, just not in person. Many of the congregation are already on Facebook and can follow the church here. I have just created a private group where we can continue to share reflections with each other. You can also follow us on Twitter and Instagram.
I have created a couple of documents you may wish to use for Morning Prayer and Evening prayer, particularly on Sundays. They are both designed to be printed double sided and folded in half like this.
Expect other updates in the future with many more resources you can use at home.
Please do pray for us all as we will continue to pray for you. And as always, we encourage you to look after each other and care for those around you.
Revd Robb