Sunday Worship (Page 2)
Send the Fire | Metanoia
This week Robb and Ruth did something a bit more akin to the Rock Mass to celebrate Pentecost!

Blessed Be Your Name
Robb and Ruth put together a version of Blessed Be Your Name with the help of Bailey on lead vocals. Check it out over on YouTube!

Because He Lives
I did a slight edit to Sunday’s service to make a video of Because He Lives. Hope you like it! It’s amazing what you can do with a mobile phone and the internet!
Easter Day with Puppets!
Some awesome videos from Metanoia’s drummer!
Make an Easter Garden
Why not use Holy Saturday to make an Easter Garden and share your pictures with us all?
Sunday Service 29th of March on YouTube
Join us at 10am for Sunday Worship online via YouTube.
Sunday Service on YouTube
Resources for our online service at 10am.
Coronavirus or #COVID-19 Update.
Dear friends, Apologies if this update is a little long. Those of you who are connected to our social media accounts will have already heard the news that the Church of England has suspended public worship for the foreseeable future due to Coronavirus. Firstly, I would like to assure you of our support in the coming weeks and months. Being part of the community in North Halifax is of paramount importance to us. Unfortunately midweek activities such as Youth Group,…

Coronavirus or COVID-19
As you will be aware, coronavirus is having many implications around the country. This is also true across the Church of England. Regular attenders at Holy Nativity will have seen how the things we do at church have changed slightly over the last couple of weeks. We are following the advice of NHS England and the central advice from the Church of England. Church Services We continue to meet for Sunday morning services as normal. As with all things, people…
Kids Church in Lent
Have a look at what the kids are getting up to during lent at Holy Nativity.