Prayer (Page 2)
Sunday Service on YouTube
Resources for our online service at 10am.
Join us in Prayer
One of the many ways we can continue to worship together without being physically present with each other.

Coronavirus or COVID-19
As you will be aware, coronavirus is having many implications around the country. This is also true across the Church of England. Regular attenders at Holy Nativity will have seen how the things we do at church have changed slightly over the last couple of weeks. We are following the advice of NHS England and the central advice from the Church of England. Church Services We continue to meet for Sunday morning services as normal. As with all things, people…
Kids Church in Lent
Have a look at what the kids are getting up to during lent at Holy Nativity.
Journeying with Mary and Joseph. #PosadaJourney #HNchristmas2019
Mary and Joseph are travelling around the parish and experiencing the hospitality of strangers!
Holy Nativity’s New Labyrinth
You may have spotted that we’ve had a strange design mown into the church park at Holy Nativity!
Yvonne’s Ordination and First Eucharist
It has been a wonderful weekend in the life of Holy Nativity as we have celebrated with Yvonne as she was ordained priest. On Saturday at Huddersfield Parish church Yvonne was ordained by Right Reverend Jonathan Gibbs, the bishop of Huddersfield. It was a wonderful service in which he placed his hands on her head and prayed for her. On Sunday, Yvonne celebrated her first communion service here at Holy Nativity. People gathered from all around Halifax to celebrate with…
Prayer Labyrinth
The church park has been transformed into a prayer Labyrinth with the help of Jonnie Parkin of Luminous Lincoln. We hope to use the labyrinth at the next Rock Mass, “Rock Mass Unplugged” at which there will be a BBQ on the 16th of August at 6pm. Why not walk the prayer labyrinth one hot summer day? A labyrinth is different from a maze as it is one continuous path with no wrong turns or dead ends. It is an…
Easter 2015
This year, Holy Nativity Church has had a wonderful Holy Week and Easter. Palm Sunday was a fun morning of all age worship as the community celebrated Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. On Thursday night there was a wonderful gathering around the dinner table as we shared bread and wine together and remembered the last supper. During the service, Robb washed the feet of those gathered as the community discussed talked what it means to serve others in our wider community. On…
A morning of fun and excitement was had at Holy Nativity on Sunday 6th of June as the community came together to celebrate the feast of Pentecost. A fantastic morning was shared with friends from 30th Holy Nativity Scout Troup as fun songs were sung and prayers were offered together. We began by flinging red and yellow poster paint around to make salad spinner flame prayers on paper plates. We also made prayer flags to offer the people we loved…