Holy Week
Holy Week is well under way as Christian communities around the globe make a spiritual pilgrimage towards The Cross of Good Friday and the eventual joy of Easter Day. In the modern world, it is easy to forget that the Christian faith is an ancient spirituality that we enter into as we ourselves become disciples thousands of years later. Here at Holy Nativity our week began with quiet reflective services each night accompanied by the music of Taizé. Holy Week…

Holy Nativity’s NEW Podcast
A new podcast from Holy Nativity! Why not check it out on your favourite streaming platform?
This year’s posada has been harder to organise and we’ve not been able to share as many images as we’d like. Every day, Mary and Joseph have been going around our community and last night they stayed with Bethany. From Mary’s diary. Today we have enjoyed spending time with Bethany and her family. We started the day being greeted by a ‘North Pole Breakfast’. So many treats! Joseph wasn’t sure that it was the best meal for a pregnant lady…
Compline – Night Prayers
During locjdown there will be a live service of compline at 6pm each Sunday over on our YouTube channel. Why not light some candles and join Revd Robb and Ruth each week. There will be lots of space to pray and some singing as well.
As we enter into a second lockdown, Revd Robb and Ruth will be leading a simple service of night prayer at 8pm tonight over on our YouTube channel. We will be praying for our whole community as we enter this difficult time as a country. We would love it if you could join us. You may like to light some candles in your home whilst we pray. Please download a copy of the order of service below.

Prayers During Easter Season
An online prayer resource that can be used at any time!

Holy Week Evening Prayer with Chant
For Holy Week evening prayer is a little different. This is where you can get all of the resources for it. See you on our YouTube channel!
Say one for me Vicar
‘Say one for me vicar’ is a phrase I often hear.
Sunday Service 29th of March on YouTube
Join us at 10am for Sunday Worship online via YouTube.
Going Live with Evening Prayer Each Day at 6pm
How you can join in with us for worship online in the coming weeks.