Holy Nativity (Page 10)
Raising money for CRY in tribute to Ashleigh.
This morning Holy Nativity was filled to bursting with members of the wider community as everyone came together to raise money for CRY, Cardiac Risk in the Youth. The coffee morning was the brainchild of Alisha who wanted to do something in memory of her best friend Ashleigh Danforth. Working together with Ashleigh’s family they have all put together a fantastic morning for the community of Mixenden to come together and remember a young woman everyone loved. CRY is a…
The Floods – From Bishop Jonathan
From Bishop Jonathan “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it”The storms over the Christmas period have had a devastating effect on communities in the Calder Valley. The floods have affected many homes, businesses and community facilities, including schools, and the effects will last much longer than the attention of the news media. At the same time, the response to the floods locally and from further afield has been remarkable, with people working tirelessly to…
Confirmation at Lunch Club
This morning the Bishop of Huddersfield, Jonathan Gibbs came to the communion service before Lunch Club. During the service, two of the regular members of the congregation were confirmed. During the service Danielle told the congregation that this is the next stage of her journey after she came to the Pilgrim Course at the beginning of the year. As part of the service Bishop Jonathan prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill Beryl and Danielle. He then annointed them with…
Why is the Church of England getting involved with …?
Time and time again people ask me the question, “Why is the Church of England getting involved with…?” At which point you can add the words refugees, debt, tax credits, or any number of other things. Surely the primary business of the Church is religion, helping people to develop a relationship with God and to become part of the life of the Church. So why get involved in all these other issues? Well, we need to remember that the central…
Prayer Labyrinth
The church park has been transformed into a prayer Labyrinth with the help of Jonnie Parkin of Luminous Lincoln. We hope to use the labyrinth at the next Rock Mass, “Rock Mass Unplugged” at which there will be a BBQ on the 16th of August at 6pm. Why not walk the prayer labyrinth one hot summer day? A labyrinth is different from a maze as it is one continuous path with no wrong turns or dead ends. It is an…
Easter 2015
This year, Holy Nativity Church has had a wonderful Holy Week and Easter. Palm Sunday was a fun morning of all age worship as the community celebrated Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. On Thursday night there was a wonderful gathering around the dinner table as we shared bread and wine together and remembered the last supper. During the service, Robb washed the feet of those gathered as the community discussed talked what it means to serve others in our wider community. On…
Tonight we did Shrove Tuesday in style as members of the community came to Holy Nativity for pancakes. Traditionally, Shrove Tuesday is the time when Christians would get rid of all of the fatty food from the house ready for the start of lent. We kept this tradition by consuming all of the pancakes in the world. As we don’t say “Alleluia” during lent we shouted it a lot tonight. And sang it a lot too! Then we coloured in…
The Stations of Salvation
On a slightly damp Wednesday in June a cohort of disciples from Holy Nativity Church Made their way to the Community of the Resurrection in Mirfield. The monastic community have been living, worshiping, praying and working on the hill at Battyeford for over a century and it was a real privilege to be able to worship with them. Our day began with a pilgrimage around the newly refurbished church experiencing the “Stations of Salvation”. Brother Jacob, one of the monks…
Standing on Holy Ground @ The Rock Mass
In February The Rock Mass took us on a trip three and a half thousand years back to Moses and the burning bush. With a sound track provided by Metanoia, playing songs like Forever Never’s version of “You’re The Voice”, we looked at what it means to stand on Holy Ground. In the centre of Holy Nativity there was giant art installation of the Burning Bush. As Revd Rachel Firth led us through the service, we prayed to break the…