Community (Page 4)

Lunch Club Christmas. #GodWithUs

Holy Nativity’s lunch club had a fantastic Christmas Meal on Tuesday. The morning began with a Christmas communion service with carols. Then the room became a hive of activity as other people began arriving for Christmas dinner with all of the trimmings! To start the festivities, children from Year 1 and 2 at Ash Green came to sing a selection of carols and songs for everyone! Everyone had a fantastic time as the children entertained us with their awesome singing.…

Making Friends over a Curry

On Wednesday afternoon we had a fantastic time as Samina, Shebana, Shamim and Rabia came to Holy Nativity to show more than twenty of us how to make traditional homemade curry. The Halifax Central Initiative staff came to Holy Nativity with all of the ingredients and expertise to produce a cheap and amazing home cooked meal. Malc Spring was very enthusiastic about the whole afternoon saying “I’m a huge curry fan and learning how to make it authentically is a…

More Celebrations for the Queen’s Birthday!

On Sunday we continues the celebrations of the Queen’s birthday with a big all age service!  The church was set out with tables around which we worshipped.  30th Holy Nativity Scouts began the service by processing the flags as we sang Praise is Rising.  During the service they made a large gold throne as we discussed what it means for God to be seated on the throne. After the service there was a bring and share lunch as the community…

Celebrating the Queen’s 90th Birthday

Today Holy Nativity’s Over 50’s and Disabled Lunch Club celebrated the Queen’s 90th birthday with Style! The day’s festivities began at 11am with the communion service.  Revd Robb led the service and talked about the Queen’s faith and how it has been instrumental in her life.  He then talked about the role of God as king and how the whole of humanity is welcomed into His presence. The church has been decorated with bunting and flags.  After communion, we were…

Little Angels Easter Egg Hunt

This morning, Holy Nativity’s Little Angels Toddler Group celebrated Easter with a special event around the church grounds.  Hundreds of eggs were hidden as our toddlers and their parents went hunting for them.  Excited little girls and boys hunted around to find the plastic eggs and then swap them for the much covetted chocolate eggs. Easter is a wonderful time to celebrate!  On Easter Day (Sunday 27th) the day begins with a bonfire in the church park at 8am followed…

Raising money for CRY in tribute to Ashleigh.

This morning Holy Nativity was filled to bursting with members of the wider community as everyone came together to raise money for CRY, Cardiac Risk in the Youth. The coffee morning was the brainchild of Alisha who wanted to do something in memory of her best friend Ashleigh Danforth. Working together with Ashleigh’s family they have all put together a fantastic morning for the community of Mixenden to come together and remember a young woman everyone loved. CRY is a…

The Floods – From Bishop Jonathan 

From Bishop Jonathan “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it”The storms over the Christmas period have had a devastating effect on communities in the Calder Valley. The floods have affected many homes, businesses and community facilities, including schools, and the effects will last much longer than the attention of the news media. At the same time, the response to the floods locally and from further afield has been remarkable, with people working tirelessly to…


Tonight we did Shrove Tuesday in style as members of the community came to Holy Nativity for pancakes.  Traditionally, Shrove Tuesday is the time when Christians would get rid of all of the fatty food from the house ready for the start of lent.  We kept this tradition by consuming all of the pancakes in the world. As we don’t say “Alleluia” during lent we shouted it a lot tonight.  And sang it a lot too!  Then we coloured in…