Community (Page 3)

Day of Reflection | One Year Later
Today marks a year since the first lockdown on March 23rd 2020. As we reflect on the past year, we remembering all of those who have lost their lives, their family and friends. We also give thanks to the many heroes who have kept us going in the past year. Tonight we will be holding a live service over on our YouTube channel to bring all of these things before God in prayer. We would love to have you come…
Christmas Gifts for Local Families
2020 has been a difficult year financially for many in the community and at Holy Nativity we wanted to do something to make the Christmas Holidays a little easier and a little more joyful for everyone. When Bailey Wilcock suggested to Revd Robb that we could give something to every kid on the estate it started to snowball from there. “When my trip to Gambia was cancelled due to covid, I wanted the money to go into the community that…
Lunch Club Christmas Hamper Delivery
2020 has been a difficult year with Holy Nativity having to stop many of it’s regular activities to keep everyone safe. One of the things that has been really missed around the community is the Elderly and Disabled Lunch Club on Tuesdays. Today, the volunteers at the lunch club finished the surprise delivery of Christmas hampers! Here is what Sue O’Brien says about it. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved with the little hampers that…
Sending Bailey to Gambia!
This morning was an important milestone in Bailey’s journey to Gambia.
A huge thank you to Val and John.
Christmas Fair. #HNchristmas2019
A huge thank you to everyone who made The Christmas Fair happen and to everyone who came along.
Cake Making and Games as Sparks 2019 Kicks Off
What have we been getting up to in Sparks? Cake making? Fun and Games?
NCS Volunteers at Holy Nativity
16 volunteers from the National Citizen Service have been volunteering at Holy Nativity. Check out what they have been doing!

Fun Day at Holy Nativity!
This Sunday, Holy Nativity held a Fun Day for the whole community. From face painting to axe throwing there was something for everyone! Throughout the day there were all sorts of fun and games going on. One of the highlights was the adults wheelbarrow race! When my daughter was sad because she had to leave at the end, she announced in the car ‘I love my party church. I want to do it again.’ It was fantastic to see people…
St Mary’s Community Shop Closure
For 16 years, St Mary’s Community Shop has served the people of Illingworth as a place of sanctuary and will finally close their doors on the 3rd of July. In 2002 the council gave the keys to a small shop front on Turner Avenue South to the community at St Mary’s Church which later became the Parish of Mixenden and Illingworth. Pat and Bob Highley with the help of Anne Roberts and Cheryll Earnshaw have volunteered their time each week…