
Help us design a community church for the future

On the 5th of April we will be launching the next stage of our plan to develop Holy Nativity Church Building for the next 70 years of Life with God here in Mixenden. We want as many people as possible to have their say about how they’d like their church to look as well as what they’d like their church to be and so we are inviting children in school years 0 – 6 to join in and design us…

Holy Nativity and Ash Green Christmas Fair

The clocks have gone back, everything is dark and like all vicars, I have to start thinking about Christmas.  One of the questions we were asked was whether there would be a Christmas Fair this year.  The last time a Christmas Fair was held in Mixenden was 2019 and a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then.  A few weeks ago I met with Mr Sheppard and we both agreed that we want our community to have…

Palm Sunday | Our Holy Week Preparations

What a busy week we’ve been having as we prepared for Palm Sunday and Holy Week! Ash Green spent a day looking at how Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. We waved palm branches and palm crosses around whilst shouting hosanna! Then we cut our own palms out of green paper to make leaved that became these fantastic rad banners to decorate Holy Nativity! Of course Holy Nativity’s youth group helped out with the decoration acros the bottom of…

Bake Sale for #TeamAshGreen

Last Wednesday we hosted a bake sale for Ash Green School. Following the fire, lots of parents of children at the school wanted to do something to help. They decided to fill Holy Nativity with the smell of freshly baked cake! From there, everything snowballed with the addition of a tombola and raffle! All proceeds are going to school via the Community Foundation appeal. Many local businesses generously donated prizes enabling us to put on what became a massive community…

Mixenden: A Community that Rallies in Times of Trouble

What a day it has been!  The response to such challenging circumstances from the whole community here in Mixenden has been amazing.  From offering a cup of tea and a space for people to gather at Holy Nativity, we soon decided to start serving bacon butties.  Jo and Bailey can’t help but feed people.  Then we had a surprise as Scoffers came through the door with a tray of sandwiches. So as people are together and chatted, toddlers toddled with…
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