Holy Nativity is made by the community and with our community. We cannot do any of the things we do, either as a worshipping community or as a thriving space offering support, creativity and welcome throughout the week, without the hard work and dedication of our volunteers.
Our entire church council is volunteer led and everyone from our Churchwardens, to the people who look after our memorial garden do so with their own spare time and energy.
There are lots of opportunities to get involved in our work and we have a growing team of volunteers from both the church community and further afield. Some volunteer every week, some regularly but less often and we also welcome offers of one off help from individuals or groups wanting to give their time and energy to support us.
These are a few examples of the volunteering opportunities on offer (click on the images or scroll down for larger images). As we work with young people and vulnerable adults most volunteering opportunities also require a DBS check which we can provide for you where appropriate.
A full induction will be given to anyone coming forward and we will always work with you to discover what gifts or talents you have to offer even if (especially if) it’s something we haven’t thought of yet!
If you would be interested in any of the opportunities or want an informal chat about what volunteering at Holy Nativity might involve the best thing to do is email Development Manager Jo Beacroft-Mitchell at jo@holynativity.co.uk